30 Apr 2011


Been looking around the shops today. Thought I should start looking and collecting things sooner rather than later.  I want my degree show work to be hung in positions a bit like this, with my big print frames and wall paper frames hung at all different levels.

Looked for some larger frames in places like 'The Range', 'Hobby Craft' and 'Dunelmill', but think the Ikea ones are still better. As for the small fancy ones, there really aren't as many around as I thought there would be.

I LOVE these frames!
They are the right style and shape that I wanted. BUT they need to be painted white (feel like I'm fighting against time already), they're £14 each (already going to be spending a fair amount on the large frames) and i was a little worried that they are too fancy, and I don't want to detract too much from the prints, as i was saying before.....

....So i carried on looking and found these.
They're not oval shaped. BUT, they're only £5/ £6 each, are already white, are less in your face than the other ones, and i think that the recangular shape may also help to not detract from the prints too much as the prints will be in frames the same colour and shape.

...May still change my mind though. I'm a very indecisive person!

Also picked up a few wall paper samples and lace fabric for my next plate. AND brought a child's dress, in the style of a wedding dress, off ebay. Thought it would be a good idea to at least have one available to work on for when/ if I can. Productive!

Dress is a bit on the tacky side! But we will see how it works.

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