26 Jan 2011

And so it begins...

I'm using this blog as a continual reflection of the process of my final project for my BA(HONS) illustration degree, which was launched on Monday 24th January. Scary I know!

My initial interests/ ideas are to continue with themes found within fairytale and folklore. My interest in this area began in a 2nd year project, in which I chose to explore the darker meaning behind the fairytale 'Snow White'. I was not aware of the hidden symbolism and sinister tones that were evident within fairy tales before this project and I not only enjoyed the practical side, but found the researching interesting.

For my previous project, I became aware, for the first time, of Angela Carter's 'The Bloody Chamber' book. The short stories were so well suited to my interests, and linked to feminist themes that I had based my dissertation upon. I decided to base my work on her first story within the book.

Pete has asked us to think about, and write a review for our last projects. This will help us to understand our strengths and weaknesses, to improve our FMP's

(A review of my previous 'options project: )

  My chosen theme for my dissertation was‘gender and sexuality’. Within this theme, I focused upon the portrayal of women through imagery, particularly within advertising. This also led me to explore the way in which women are treated by men, and how they respect themselves in return. With the knowledge I had gained from the completion of my dissertation, I was drawn to Angela Carter’s book, “The Bloody Chamber- and Other Short Stories”, as a theme to my options project.
   My options project consisted of drawing from parts of the first story within the book, “The Bloody Chamber”, that I found of most interest. This included themes of masks being used to hide one’s true, dark, identity and the idea of women being compared to fragile, innocent lambs while men are compared to lions whom want to corrupt this innocence. I also used the theme of love and marriage being linked with violence and death. This was achieved through the use of images portraying, blood dripping lilies, as lilies were used as marital flowers but also as funeral flowers. In addition to this, I produced a series of images of a ruby chocker that symbolised a marital gift but also hinted at a slit throat and to the way in which the young bride was to meet her death. This leads me to another theme that I explored within my project, idea that the young bride, was tempted by her murdering husband’s riches, such as, the large castle, and a luxurious life style and the gifts that he provided for her. This links to an element of my dissertation, that women feel the need to accessorise, to adapt and improve their self image through material goods. This is in order to appeal to men and other women. The girl’s temptation of material gain was to lead to her downfall- her death.
   The story can be linked to the Biblical story of Adam and Eve as the girl is told by her partner not to enter the locked room. But she, like Eve is tempted by the knowledge she will gain of her husband from doing so. However this girl, with the help of her independent mother, manages to escape her punishment which symbolises a break from stereotypical opinions of an obedient, suppressed wife. From the knowledge gained of her husband, and through her mother’s influence the girl learnt to brake the chain of women viewing themselves as under control of (or at the mercy of ) men, and determine her own destiny. However my project did not focus on this aspect of the story. Therefore there is an opportunity to continue this theme within my final major project.
   Throughout out my project I continued to use colour themes that were mentioned within the story, white, representing innocence, red, symbolising the blood of violence and women’s bleeding, and black representing dark intentions.  I achieved this through the medium of inks, paints and coloured card. My final outcomes took the form of a series of quotes relevant to my final illustrations that were place within large, white and red screen printed mirror or picture frames. A quote was followed by the relevant image, which had been improved using Photoshop, and then also placed within a frame. The frames relate to a sense of wealth that was evident within the book. Furthermore, they refer to quotes that describe a collection of images of women and indeed the male figure’s own corpse collection. I also completed three colourgraphs which I completed within the print room, again printing using white black and red. These posters consisted of the bloody chamber door and two of the wives, the ‘Evening Star’ and the ‘Opera Singer’. The posters included many symbols which I had explored within my sketch book. Finally, a made a large box in which I painted in order to appear as the ‘bloody chamber door’. I included the card cut I produced for my door print, resembling wood, on the lid as well as a fake, decorative, key and lock. All elements of my project were then placed inside the box.
   In review of my project, I am pleased with my sketchbook work. I feel I have explored the story’s themes and ideas efficiently and have shown an understanding of the story’s symbolism and dark nature. I have also moved away from the story slightly in order to add elements as an example of my own imagination. However, I have continued with strong themes, such as colour, throughout my project. I feel however that my final pieces are somewhat of an anti climax. I believe that they are not to the standard expected from viewing my preparatory work. I believe I need to settle on an effective outcome earlier on in my next project. I must choose a pathway that works well with my style of working. I also attempted to explore all areas of the book that interests me, and while I did complete the majority of work that I wanted to, this may have produced added pressure. By narrowing down quotes, sections or themes that I wish to explore, I may have more time to concentrate on final pieces. Moreover I may have a clear indication of what I want to do. 

Here's what i intend to do for this new project....

Proposal for FMP
 For my final major project, I would like to continue to explore fairytales and folklores and their feminist and underlying dark themes. My dissertation was based on gender and sexuality, focusing on the way in which women have been portrayed within visual images and the media. Knowledge that I have gained from the completion of my dissertation will influence my project and supply a useful background.
     During my previous project, I became aware of the author Angela Carter. I would like to continue exploring her stories for my next project. A story that has inspired me so far is called “Ashputtle, Or the Mother’s Ghost”.  This story consists of 3 versions of Carters story, which seems to be based upon the story of Cinderella.
Wangechi Mutu is an artist who also explores feminist themes and whose work I enjoy. Mutu uses a collage of images of female body parts and mechanical parts to construct her own unique species of women. She focuses on the idea that her women have survived some kind of a war that has altered them in many ways, but has also made them stronger and more powerful. She confronts stereotypical ideas of beauty through her women.

Mutu. I Have Peg Leg Nightmares, 2003, 
('Wangechi Mutu A Shady Promise' book.)

Paula Rego is another artist who deals with the sinister twist in fairytales.  She successfully captures an uneasy atmosphere within all of her images. This is an element that I would like to create within my own images. Rego also uses etching within her work. This is a medium that has been suggested to me for this project.

Rego, The Family,

Two other artists that have been suggested to me to inform my project are Ana Maria Pacheco and Marcelle Hanselaar. Both Pacheco and Hanselaar's use etching to create an uneasy atmosphere, similarly to Rego.

Pacheco, Dark Night Of The Soul, 1994,

Hanselaar, La Petite Mort 7, 2005,

Literary work that may inform my project, in addition to Carter, is Marina Warner’s ‘From the Beast to the Blonde’, and possibly Bruno Bettelhelm's ‘The Uses of Enchantment’. A useful website is http://www.surlalunefairytales.com/ . These texts will further my understanding of the symbolism that is used within fairytales.

I think I will use mainly ink and paints for my project. I will attempt etching with aquatint, as suggested, but as I have not tried this before, I am unsure as of yet how successful this process will be. In the event that the etching does not go to plan, I will also experiment with stitching. This would link to the time period of fairytales and to connotations of a ‘woman’s job’.

As for now, I have taken out some more of Carter's books form the university library and I am keeping in mind the other short stories within 'The Bloody Chamber'....

....Bring on the reading!

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